Students: Shengning Zhang, Ciro Romer, Patrick Birch, Luis Gil, Hilla Gordon, Hasan Danish, Omar Eqbal, Nasia Pantelidou, Raza Naqvi, Wyatt Armstrong
Tutors: Emmanuel Vercruysse, Martin Self, Zachary Mollica, Charlie Corrywright, Chris Sadd, Edward Coe
Image Credit: Shengning Zhang, Wyatt Armstrong
The Foundry is a multi-generational student project, incrementally built over two AA Visiting Schools and one AA Design + Make core studio. The first visiting school arranged three forked Beech columns connected by a series of Douglas Fir beams, jointed using a robotic chainsaw. The following visiting school created a series of curved glue-laminated elements with ornamental patterns made using a robotic bandsaw. The Design + Make core studio housed the open-air structure in a series of floating wing-like walls. The purpose of the building is metal casting, and the design of the walls considers air in-take and ventilation through gaps in the walls that resemble gills. The faceted double-curvature of the walls are made through a series of quadrangular boxes that joint along their seams using a cleat and peg system. The angle of the cleat joint is unique on all sides of all quadrangles. This variation was delivered through the development of a custom design software that automated the fabrication geometry from a series of closed polylines and communicated this information to a robotic circular saw.